Certification we are proud of

Vreugdenhil attaches great value to socially responsible production. Moreover, we do everything to be a pioneer in this field. We strive to obtain relevant certification for the market, for our customers and our employees. View the certificates Vreugdenhil has obtained below.


MPS stands for Milieu Programma Sierteelt (Floriculture Environmental Programme) and is a widely used certification in the flower and plant trade. It indicates how environmentally friendly the cultivation is in aspects such as crop protection, fertilizers, energy, water, and waste. The qualification depends on the number of points scored per theme. Vreugdenhil holds the MPS-A certificate.


MPS-GAP is the most common certificate in the floriculture sector for supermarkets and other retailers. The certification scheme is based on the well-known GlobalG.A.P. certificate for supermarket organisations in Europe. It focuses on product traceability, safety and hygiene.


MPS-SQ stands for Socially Qualified, a benchmark that focuses on the social aspects of business operations. It demonstrates whether products are cultivated under the right labour conditions.

Global G.A.P. & GRASP

Global G.A.P. is the international standard for horticulture, which imposes requirements for food safety, sustainability and quality on producers and suppliers.

GRASP (an abbreviation for GLOBAL G.A.P Risk Assessment on Social Practiceis), is primarily intended to assess social risks in primary production. It focuses on ensuring good working conditions and being an employer. It assesses whether the company meets requirements in areas such as personnel and payroll administration, pensions and outsourcing of work. More and more chain stores are setting this requirement and GRASP also supports a professional socially responsible way of doing business for employees.


Good Seed and Plant Practices (GSPP) is an international chain system for plant growers. The system’s objective is to prevent the use of tomato seeds and plants with Clavibacter michiganensis. The audits are performed by Naktuinbouw (Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture).

Benefits of Nature

Benefits of Nature is a network of entrepreneurs that want to distinguish themselves from the competition through their environmental performance. Benefits of Nature mainly focuses on floriculture and calculates the footprint of a company and its products in international horticulture and floriculture. Benefits of Nature also provides advice on sustainable business operations, mainly focused on environmental performance.