Pick & Joy®: fresh vegetables from your own home and garden!

With the vegetable plants of Pick-&-Joy®, you bring nature into your home and get to enjoy real freshness. With this vision, Vreugdenhil Young Plants introduced the first compact tomato plant in 2005 and has since grown into a unique and edible program of no less than 22 beautiful and healthy varieties known as Pick-and-Joy®. Immediately after purchase, the consumer can start to pick and enjoy delicious and healthy vegetables. That is what Pick-&-Joy® stands for, in addition to creating an inspiring home and garden environment for consumers. It provides taste, pleasure and cosiness in the kitchen and it gives atmosphere on the balcony, terrace or in the garden. Pick and enjoy!

Vreugdenhil Young Plants is constantly expanding its range through product development and its own breeding program. As a result, the consumer can continue to vary, and we can continue to suprise the consumer. Get to know the extensive range of Pick-&-Joy® vegetable plants.

Biological crop protection

We fully manage the breeding and seed production, which means we can immediately respond to market requirements. Consequently product development is also a continuous process. In the cultivation process we use biological crop protection. Bumblebees take care of natural pollination. To be able to guarantee food safety for our consumers, our edible pick your own vegetables are certified in accordance with diverse labels. GlobalGAP., MPS-A+, MPS-SQ, MPS-GAP and GRASP.

Want to know more about Pick-&-Joy®?

click here to be directed to the Pick-&-Joy® website