Pepper plant cultivation

When growing peppers it’s all about the details. Therefore it is great if you can begin the process with starting material that has the exact qualities that are consistent with your growing vision. Vreugdenhil Young Plants specialises in customer-specific cultivation.

Plant development, bud quality, content and vitality: just a few elements involved in growing peppers. You have your own ideas when it comes to cultivation, lighting and biology. Vreugdenhil Young Plants offers you plenty of room to apply your vision in practice, including the development of new cultivation strategies. We examine all your wishes before cultivation begins. We jointly discuss the entire cultivation plan. At four locations, every single one with all the necessary modern facilities, every day we passionately apply your wishes to achieve a healthy, optimal start for your pepper cultivation.

Safeguarding processes

Hygiene and food safety are safeguarded by strict protocols and certification that are internationally accepted, such as GSPP, MPS-A and GlobalG.A.P. Modern greenhouses, the latest purification installations (Opticlear Diamond) and mechanisation, as well as the right professional expertise also play a major role in the ability to provide top quality.

Want to know more about our pepper plant cultivation?

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